Moses Hull
Director, Technical Services
Moses Hull is Director, Customer Network and Application Services at Alexant Systems Corporation. Mr. Hull brings nearly four decades of experience in application programming, network systems design, communications systems design, and application deployment.
Mr. Hull was programming mainframe-level applications for multiple businesses at the age of 17. After graduation, he joined the US Army, then graduated at the top of his class from the Army’s Advanced Individual Programming School for computer programming and computer machine operations.
After graduation, Mr. Hull’s career journey took him in and out of active duty, spending time working on high-security communications for the Pentagon, then entering the Army Reserves, working with the Navy’s SPAWARS, and then returning to active duty for Operation Desert Shield. He spent over a year in the country throughout Operation Desert Storm and Desert Comfort setting up secure communication satellite uplinks and installing and configuring Wide/Local Area Networking Systems, repairing personal computer and mainframe systems.
After Desert Storm, he returned to civilian life and worked with several companies in directing their networks, communications, and programming services before joining Alexant in 2000.
His vast knowledge of a variety of security and networking protocols and his analytical approach to operations and security have helped to ensure that Alexant-designed systems meet and exceed the highest industry standards and fully meet regulatory requirements.
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